Friday, September 12, 2008

Going into the eye of Ike

This is what it looks like when a weather buoy goes into the eye -- winds go up, air temperature and pressure drop dramatically. Unfortunately, that may have been the end of this buoy -- it had not reported for more than 2 hours after these readings.

This buoy is (maybe was) about 123 miles southeast of Galveston, about 13 miles from the 4 p.m. position of the Gulf-eating Hurricane.

-steve buser


Laurie Allee said...

Steve, thanks for all the info on this blog. I have family in Houston, San Antonio and Austin.

Columbo said...

Steve, I found this blog very informative and probably got more current information from it and all the links. Thanks for all the effort you put into it. Hopefully you won't have too many more hurricanes this season.